
Here Come the Chariots
by Ray Pritchard

After I sent out this week’s sermon called Why Is Life So Hard?, I received this email from a friend:We thought this was going to be the first time we would miss a mortgage payment and God provided just as the Egyptians were meeting us at the water. Still no job but I have been praying that our trials would be helping others. As Paul reminded…


Marlene’s Strawberry Pretzel Salad
by Ray Pritchard

In a couple of hours we’re driving to Florence, Alabama (about 90 miles from Tupelo) to spend Thanksgiving with my brother Andy, his wife Betty and their daughter Kathleen. For this special occasion Marlene is making several dishes, including one of my favorites, strawberry pretzel salad. I highly recommend this as an excellent holiday dish.


Orphan Lamb
by Ray Pritchard

Yesterday on the radio we interviewed Ron Carlson who does lots of work in the area of apologetics. While talking about how to share Christ with unbelievers, he mentioned that during a visit to New Zealand, he met some sheep ranchers who told him a most unusual story. In large herds of sheep, it’s not unusual for a mother to die while g…


“Jesus Loves Me” by the Gaither Vocal Band
by Ray Pritchard

Marshall Hall and the Gaither Vocal Band do a soulful version of the beloved gospel song “Jesus Loves Me.” This song has been done in many different ways, in many different styles, and in many different languages. The message remains the same….


“This is My Father’s World” by Fernando Ortega
by Ray Pritchard

Fernando Ortega offers a lilting contemporary rendition of a hymn written in 1901 by Maltbie Babcock. Watch and listen and be blessed. …


Thanksgiving Medley
by Ray Pritchard

Here’s a Thanksgiving Medley featuring “We Gather Together,” “For the Beauty of the Earth,” and “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come.” I love the simplicity of the arrangement because the music does not overwhelm the message….


“Count Your Blessings” by the International Songsters
by Ray Pritchard

Last year I found this rollicking version of “Count Your Blessings” by the International Songsters of the Salvation Army. They performed this during a tour of Sweden in 2007. I hadn’t watched it since last Thanksgiving and it made me smile all over again. It’s upbeat, uptempo, uplifting, and I love that little ragtime in…


“Come Thou Fount” by Jars of Clay
by Ray Pritchard

This afternoon I’ve been watching some music videos on YouTube to prepare my heart for Thanksgiving Day. Here’s a contemporary version of “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” by Jars of Clay: …


Why I Signed “The Manhattan Declaration”
by Ray Pritchard

Last Friday a group of Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christian leaders released The Manhattan Declaration, a ringing statement regarding the dignity of human life, the importance of marriage as the conjugal union of one man and one woman, and the rights of conscience and human liberty in our increasingly diverse society. I used the word &ldqu…


Michelle Malkin on the Radio at 11 AM
by Ray Pritchard

I’m co-hosting “Today’s Issues” on American Family Radio Monday-Wednesday 10 AM-12 Noon CDT. Today we’ve got quite a varied lineup. We start with Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who became pro-life and quit the abortion business when she viewed an ultrasound abortion. Then we&rs…

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