
He Knows What They Are
by Ray Pritchard

Each day I receive a quote by email from a ministry called Of First Importance. Each quotation comes from a noted Christian leader past or present and each focuses on some aspect of the gospel. If you haven’t subscribed yet, I recommend “Of First Importance” to you. Wednesday’s selection stayed in my mind because it gave me …


Celtic Woman – “O Come, All Ye Faithful”
by Ray Pritchard

This video features Celtic Woman singing “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” I found myself deeply moved as I watched these amazingly gifted women singing a greatly beloved Christmas carol. If you need something to wash over your soul and point you to higher things, watch this video. It builds and builds to a grand climax of worship and praise….

by Ray Pritchard

We have made a new addition to our Recommended Resources page. For the last few years Paul Apple has been putting together a series of excellent preaching outlines covering many different books of the Bible on a website called This is a great gift to the busy pastor who enjoys preaching through books of the Bible. Basically you d…


Be a Student, Not a Victim
by Ray Pritchard

Seventeen years ago Jim Warren shared a principle with me that I have repeated many times. In last week’s message I mentioned it again. And on Wednesday night when I gave that message at the First Baptist Church of Tupelo, I noticed people writing it down. When I shared it at the Men’s Bible Study on Thursday night, the same thing happe…


7 Reasons Not to Speak When You Are Angry
by Ray Pritchard

This morning I woke up thinking about the dangers of speaking when you are angry. Yesterday I chatted with a friend in Nashville who said that he had been meditating on Proverbs 11:17, “Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you” (NLT). Some Bible passages need explanation; others, like this verse, speak for themse…


Ray Pritchard Obituary Notice
by Ray Pritchard

Because I subscribe to Google Alerts, each day I get an email letting me know whenever my name pops up somewhere on the Internet. Most of the time the references are to my own blog entries, but today was different. I clicked on the alert to see the following headline repeated four times:Ray Pritchard Obituary NoticeEach headline carried a touching …


by Ray Pritchard

Scattershooting hither and yon . . . *If you haven’t been to see “The Blind Side,” do it this week. The movie has been the surprise hit of the Christmas season and may end up at #1 in box office receipts after this weekend. *Sandra Bullock plays the strong-minded Leigh Anne Tuohy who along with her husband Sean took Michael O…


Shop and Help KBM
by Ray Pritchard

Are you doing any online shopping this year? The answer is probably yes since yesterday was “Cyber Monday” and sales were even better than on “Black Friday,” the day after Thanksgiving. It seems that more and more of us would rather “point and click” than brave the crowds at the local mall. It’s definitely …


Steve Tanner’s 25 Days of Christmas Music
by Ray Pritchard

For the last eight years my good friend Steve Tanner has given us a wonderful gift called the 25 Days of Christmas Music. And now he is doing it again.Here’s how it works. Starting today and going through December 25, Steve will release a Christmas song in mp3 format free for downloading. No strings attached. It’s all free. You can down…


Saved After 45 Years
by Ray Pritchard

During his sermon yesterday, our pastor stopped for a moment and held up a Bible that was given to him when he was in high school 45 years ago. Written in the margin were the names of four people. On a regular basis he had prayed for their salvation. One was a brother he led to Christ some years old. One was an older brother who is 76 years ago. &l…

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