Your Church Hath Need of You

January 13, 2002

“YOUR CHURCH HATH NEED OF YOU” by Ray Pritchard Last Sunday, January 6, I used the phrase in my title as a way to encourage many of our people to sign up to serve in our new four worship service format that begins on February 10–just four weeks from now. Some people probably recognized the phrase from their reading of the King James Version. Just before his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Jesus sent his disciples into a village to find a colt that had never been ridden. If anyone asked why they were taking the colt, Jesus told them to say, “The Lord hath need of him.” I am happy to report that you responded overwhelmingly to the call. For the 165 positions we need to fill, there were 125 volunteers. As I write these words, here are the needs that still remain: Nursery workers 6 Sunday School 4 Children’s Church 4 Sound Board 7 Power Point 3 Instrumentalists 1 Ushers 5 Web TV 2 Prayer Partners 6 Coffee Prep 2 Total Needed 40 It is entirely possible that some of these needs will be filled by the time you read this. Please take a careful look at the list. Is there something you could do? Is there a place you could serve? Are you willing to volunteer? Will you step forward and say yes? There is a table in the Resource Center with more information about these 40 ministry opportunities. Why not stop by today and check it out? Better yet, why not sign up to fill one of these positions? Your church still needs you.

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