“Y’all Let Those Puppies In”

July 19, 2007

The phone guy just left after spending a few hot and sweaty minutes getting our phone service working again. After checking things outside (ok) and inside (no dial tone) and after venturing into the attic (temp around 125), he discovered a broken wire from the box in the attic to the jack in our bedroom. Took him maybe five minutes to fix it plus he fixed the jack in the kitchen that hadn’t worked since we moved in.

His visit left us with a smile, and not just because he fixed our phones. It occurred to me later that you probably wouldn’t hear “Y’all let those puppies in” from a phone guy in Chicago. You pretty much have to be down South to hear that sentence.

He’s gone, Dudley and Gary are inside, and I thought I’d pay the friendly phone guy a tribute while I had the chance.

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