September 25, 2009

Peter Faulkner tipped me off to an amazing website called Their goal is simple and yet daunting. They want to create maps showing people groups and languages for each country of world while showing the progress of the gospel in that area.

I particularly liked the world map showing the progress of evangelical Christianity in every nation. You can see certain areas where the gospel has made great penetration, but there are far too many pockets of dark red in China, India and across the Muslim world, meaning that there are no known evangelical Christians or churches in those areas. 

When you look at the map, there is much for which to be thankful and much that should drive us to our knees in prayer.

“What a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples.
“How few workers!
On your knees and pray for harvest hands!”

(Matthew 9:37-38 MSG)

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?