Word of Life Alaskan Cruise 2007
August 22, 2006
Several months ago I was invited by Word of Life to be the Bible teacher on an Alaskan cruise next May. This will be a unique vacation opportunity because it is actually a combination train excursion through the Denali National Park followed by a cruise starting in Anchorage and ending in Vancouver. You can sign up for the train excursion plus the cruise (May 27-June 8) or you can sign up only for the cruise portion (June 1-8).
You can view the entire brochure online (PDF):
Part 1
Part 2
Harry and Millie Bollback will be our hosts for the entire time. I will be teaching the Bible every day and Timothy Mark will provide the music. Ron Stansbury will serve as our cruise director. During the train excursion, we will travel on the McKinley Explorer domed railcar as we travel through the world-famous Denali National Park (click here for some amazing pictures). In Anchorage we will board the Celebrity Summit for a seven-day cruise that will include Hubbard Glacier, Skagway, Juneau, Icy Strait Point, Ketchikan and the Inside Passage to Vancouver.
You need to register early because space is limited. I hope you will join us for this trip of a lifetime. If you want a copy of the brochure, send me an email with your mailing address and we’ll put one in the mail to you immediately.
I’m smiling about all this because I’ve never been on a cruise before and several years ago I promised Marlene that we would take a cruise someday. The nice part about it is that now I can invite all our friends to come with us.