“Who Is That Man?” Free Lenten Ebook

February 7, 2013

Lent begins on Wednesday, February 13. During the 40-day period leading up to Easter, Christians around the world take a spiritual journey with our Lord as he travels to Jerusalem. Lent ends with Holy Week, which takes us to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

This year I’m inviting our friends to join us in a Lenten devotional series called “Who Is That Man?” We’re releasing the entire series in ebook format that you can download for free.

In this Lenten journey we will focus on questions found in the four gospels.

Some are questions asked to Jesus.
Some are questions asked about Jesus.
Some are questions asked by Jesus.

Each question reveals something about the person who asked. Each question points us in the direction of new truth. Each question brings us face to face with Jesus Christ.

Here are the links to the different formats. Choose the one that works best for you. 


Nook (epub)


Each day during Lent, we’ll post additional material (questions, application ideas, other Scriptures) on the KBM weblog to help you go deeper.

You can help us by spreading the word about this free ebook to your friends.

Note: To load the eBook on a mobile device (Kindle or Nook ereader, iPad, iPhone, Android, etc), we recommend that you view the blog post from within your device and then to click the download option.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?