We Believe in the Power of Preaching

August 4, 2009

Billy Graham preaching at Trafalgar Square, London, 1954.

Here is the second thing you need to know about KBM.

2. We Believe in the Power of Preaching.

People who come to our website often talk about how much we have to offer. And we do have a lot to offer. But the heart of this website indeed the heart of our online ministry rests in the 850+ sermons we make available free for downloading. 

How important is the Sermons page? Week in and week out, it’s the most visited section of our website. More people visit the Sermons section than come to the weblog. And just before Christmas and Easter when pastors are scrambling for good sermon material, we see our visitor rate double and sometimes triple. Here are some of the most popular Google search phrases that led people to our website:

“youth sermons”
“Thanksgiving sermons”
“sermons Holy Spirit”
“sermons on commitment”
“sermons on forgiveness”
“New Year’s Day sermons”
“sermons on Elijah”
“sermons on heaven”
“sermons on Samson”

You get the idea. People come to the KBM website for sermons. That’s not the only reason they come, but it’s a big reason, probably the #1 reason. Here’s a note from a pastor in England that we received last week:

Dear Ray,

I just want to thank you for the insight and help that your four freshmen series on the life of Daniel is giving me. Perhaps for 2 years or so I’ve had an impression to preach/teach from Daniel and have now started to do so. Bless you for blessing me with this ministry.

Grace and Peace,

Then we received this unusual email just two days ago:

This sermon was amazing, Mr Pritchard. The most inspiring thing I’ve read for a long time. I’m not even saved yet, but very close. God is definitely working in me, calling me and after reading this, I want that Holy Spirit in my life big time. Ian

We put a great emphasis on preaching because it is by the preaching of the gospel that men and women come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. And through the preaching of the Word, believers grow to maturity. In every generation, there are always prophets of doom who say that preaching is a thing of the past – that people will not sit still for good preaching; that we need to entertain people or they will go elsewhere. We do not count ourselves among those who discount the value of good sound Spirit-filled, relevant life-changing preaching of the Word of God. We agree that boring sermons are boring – and we’ve heard our share and probably preached our share too. But passionate biblical preaching never goes out of style. 

A few months ago I was asked to come up with a quote about preaching for a publication by Dallas Seminary This is what I wrote and upon thinking about it some more I wouldn’t change a word:

When we preach miracles happen. The first miracle that people come to hear us. The second miracle that we have something to say. The third miracle that we proclaim God’s Word to those who listen. The fourth miracle that God’s Word through us changes lives. The fifth miracle that we get be part of it. I can’t imagine anything more exciting.

True preaching is always miraculous and if anything happens for eternal good, it must be because God did it. When you hear us talking about sermons or when you read one of the sermons or listen to one of the podcasts, please know that we really mean what we say. We love preachers and if we can do anything to help them we will.

God has ordained that he will use our feeble efforts to preach his Word and he has promised to bless us when we do our part. Dr Todd Wilson, Senior Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park IL, said it better than I could: “The pulpit is ever the earth’s foremost part; all the rest comes in its rear; the pulpit leads the world.”

We agree, and that’s why the Sermons page is the biggest part of the Keep Believing website. 

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?