New sermon video – “Are We All Hindus Now?”

August 20, 2010

This week I am preaching at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Muskegon, Michigan. On Wednesday night I spoke on “Are We All Hindus Now?” sparked by a provocative article in Newsweek magazine and by the recent revelation that actress Julia Roberts is now a practicing Hindu.

Though the vast majority of Americans identify with the Christian faith, we are becoming more like the Hindus who believe there are many paths to God. Just as there are many ways to climb a mountain, each religion offers its own way to God.

Problem is, if everything is true, then nothing is true. If truth depends on your opinion or on the latest Gallup poll, we can never know the truth about anything. That is why Christians insist on the concept of absolute truth. Without it, we have no faith to believe, only some warm, fuzzy sentimental feelings in our heart. That is not enough. We need to reassert once again to this crazy, mixed-up, confused generation exactly what the Psalmist said regarding God, “All your words are true” (Psalm 119:160).

Click on the graphic intro below to watch the video now.














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