Two Quick Notes
February 5, 2006
1) Kudos to Dave Burchett for a stellar first week as the newest Crosswalk blogger. Dave is an accomplished author, an award winning sports TV director, and an extremely trenchant commentator on the issues of the day. Dave is an old friend, and I’ve always wanted to use the word “trenchant,” and now I’ve done it. Check him out. He’s says things we need to hear.
2) Lloyd Pulley has written a fine book called Under His Influence: Yielding to the Work of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians wonder why their lives don’t seem to live up to the great promises of the New Testament. This book leads us step by step along the path of yielding our mind, our emotions, our will, our dreams, our habits and our plans for the future to the Holy Spirit. Pastor Pulley has a gift for taking deep Bible truth and making it accessible to everyone. Here is theology made practical and personal.