Twittering My Life Away

January 22, 2009

This week I finally decided to start Twittering. Note the capital “T” because Twitter refers to the latest social networking craze. If you Facebook, think of Twitter as the status line at the top of the page that tells what you are doing at the moment. When you Twitter, you write down (in 140 characters, words and spaces) what you are doing, thinking, reading, etc, at a given moment. Think of it as micro-blogging. It’s one more way to stay connected with a broad range of people.

I’m not an expert on this, but Michael Hyatt is and here are his Twelve Reasons to Start Twittering. And here’s a website called Twitter for Churches. Lots of people I respect have started Twittering so here goes. I haven’t figured out all the ins and outs yet but I am starting anyway. You can read my “Tweets” (those little updates) at

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