Transformation Study Bible

September 7, 2009

Last Wednesday we interviewed Dr. Warren Wiersbe about the brand-new Transformation Study Bible, which features notes based on his lifetime study of the Word of God. When we asked how this study Bible fits in a very crowded market, he told us that while many study Bibles offer excellent information on names, dates, places, and details of biblical interpretation, the TSB focuses on life change. It’s never enough to study the Bible like a textbook, he said. We must let its truth transform us.

The TSB features over 10,000 notes drawn from Dr. Wiersbe’s “Be” series covering every book of the Bible. Since most of us will never own all the “Be” books, the TSB distills the best of the best, giving us classic Wiersbe commentary and life application. For each book of the Bible, the TSB gives us an introduction, an outline, and a section called “Be Transformed” that emphasizes the spiritual importance of that particular book. Then you have “Catalyst” sections sprinkled throughout the book that highlight key character issues for spiritual growth. Plus you have the extensive notes, always written with a view to applying biblical truth to daily life.

The TSB is the heaviest study Bible I’ve ever seen, partly because it contains over 2300 pages. Yesterday I carried it to church with me and was reminded that this is a “study Bible” first and foremost. I just put the TSB on the scales and found that it weighs 3.5 pounds, making it the heaviest Bible in my library. It weighs so much because it is packed with resources to help you understand God’s Word and then be transformed by what you read. Highly recommended.

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