Top Ten Blog Entries for 2008

December 26, 2008

Here are the most popular blog entries of 2008. Politics and church life kept the waters stirred up all year long. Comments are still open on all of these entries.

1) Should Pastors Endorse Candidates from the Pulpit?  
Not surprising that in an election year, this drew the most comments. Not everyone agreed with my answer.

2) Sleeping Together and Christ’s Global Cause 
This entry came in a close second for most comments. Most people–but not everyone!–agreed with my letter to a Christian man in his 40s who is sleeping with his lady friend and wanted to know what I thought about it. 

3) How to Dress for Church 
I was surprised by the outpouring of comments. Clearly this post touched a nerve.

4) How to Leave a Church  
Every time I write about this, I get a huge response. This is a major issue–both for those who leave a church and for those who are left behind.

5) The Ten Books Club
The idea is simple. Name ten important books you’d like to read this year. We got lots of response even though some surveys suggest that reading books is going out of style.

6) Sarah Palin is Right
Despite the title, this post is not really about politics but about the dangers of anonymous criticism.

7) Should an Openly Homosexual Person be Baptized? 
I say no. Not everyone agrees.

8) Sarah Palin’s Daughter–What Should We Think? 
A discussion on sin, grace and forgiveness. When our children disappoint us, how should we respond? And what does that say about the parents?  

9) Something Good Happened Last Night 
Written the morning after the presidential election.

10) I’m Glad Rick Warren Said Yes 
Politics and prayer proved to be a volatile mix.

Honorable mention goes to The Shack–Eat the Meat, Throw Away the Bones, the final installment of a four-part review of the bestselling (and controversial) novel “The Shack” by William P. Young.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?