To Do the Father’s Will

December 3, 2014

Knox looking

“I have come to do your will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7).

When James Montgomery Boice preached on this text, he pointed out that Christ came into the world knowing his purpose from the beginning. That could not be said of any other baby. In recent years I have thought about that in light of our grandchildren—Knox, Eli, Penny, and Violet. And I’m thinking about the newest one who has not arrived yet but will be here soon. At the moment they are scattered far from us—hundreds of miles away. I think about our grandchildren and wonder what will happen to them. When I pray for them, I ask God to keep them safe and healthy. I pray they will grow up to love and serve the Lord. I do not know what God has called them to do. Each one has a place in God’s plan, but I do not know how that will work itself out in the years to come. It is unlikely I will live long enough to see everything God has in store for them. That means I pray for them based on the promises of God, leaving the outworking of the details in his hands.

I look at Violet and I do not know all that God has for her. At this tender moment in her life (she is barely a year old), she does not know either.

But Christ knew his destiny from the very beginning. He came to do God’s will.

Parents often have certain plans for their children. A farmer may hope his sons take over his farm someday. A business owner may dream that his sons and daughters will join him in his business when they are old enough. Very often, parents hope their children will attend a certain college and follow in their steps. These hopes, while understandable, are nothing more than that—the hopes of parents who dream good things for their children.

But those dreams sometimes do not come to pass.
Children often go their own way.
They choose a different school.
They choose a different career.
They aren’t interested in the family business.

Christ was not like that. Even as an infant, he had come for a purpose. Knowing that it would mean his bloody death on the cross, he said, “I have come to do your will, God!”

The babe in the manger would become the dying Savior—and he came anyway.
This is the great miracle of Christmas.

Lord Jesus, you knew what was ahead—and you came anyway! By your obedience you purchased my salvation. Grant me a holy desire to do your will today. Amen.

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