Three Links Worth Checking Out

March 16, 2006

1) Creation-Evolution Headlines. Some creation-evolution sites seem a bit drab to me. But this one offers a ton of useful information, updated daily, in a rolling weblog format. The writers stay on top of the latest news, offering instant analysis of stories from a wide variety of sources. This is a good example of how the Internet can be used to equip Christians to engage the culture on a topic that is foundational to our faith.
2) Audio Sermons of S. Lewis Johnson. Believers Chapel in Dallas has posted over 1500 audio sermons by Dr. S. Lewis Johnson, one of the greatest Bible teachers of the 20th century. I was privileged to take several courses from him at Dallas Seminary. He had an amazing ability to bring out the meaning of the text and make it come alive for his hearers. He preached 101 sermons through Matthew, 66 through Genesis, 51 through Romans, 41 through Basic Bible Doctrine, and so on. Here is a gold mine for preachers, teachers and anyone who wishes to know God’s Word better.
3) Audio Sermons of Richard Strauss. Mary Strauss has lovingly preserved the sermons of her late husband, Richard. Dr. Strauss served as senior pastor of Emmanuel Bible Church in Escondido, California for 21 years. There are series covering various books of the Bible plus series on topics such as Aging Gracefully, Lesser Known Disciples, Families in the Bible, Portraits of Christ in Isaiah and Big Things in Little Books. His love for his people and his commitment to the Word of God shine through in all his messages.

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