Anchors on the Move

June 19, 2013

A box of Anchors on the way to Michigan.

Dear Praying Friends,

Things are hopping in our corner of the world.

Last week we wrote you about our China broadcast. This week our attention turned to the Anchor for the Soul project. A few minutes ago Ray forwarded three different Anchor requests to KBM board member Doreen Mahlstedt. She is the first stop for every request we receive. Doreen personally contacts each person who requests books to confirm all the details.

The first request came from a prison chaplain in Bristol, Florida.
The second came from a man who heard Ray on American Family Radio this morning:

Our church has a food bank. We would like to get some books to put in the food boxes that we distribute. Thank you for any books you can give.

The third request came in via voicemail from a prison chaplain in Lompoc, CA. He asked for two boxes of Anchors because “we have a large facility here and could really use the books.”

Doreen will process all three requests and confirm where to send the books. Then she will send the requests to Steve Bury and Steve Oltman who volunteer at our Book Depot in Pontiac, IL. They make all the labels and make sure the boxes get shipped to the right places.

Then the books go to prison ministries, crisis pregnancy centers, food banks, and military ministries across the country. Since 2000 we’ve given away over 600,000 copies of this little “gospel book.” This Saturday the KBM board gathers in Lombard, IL for our quarterly meeting. I anticipate that we will vote to spend $60,000 to reprint another 100,000 copies.

When John Riley asked me on the radio to explain KBM, I told him that we are part of the “Ordnance Depot” of the Body of Christ. We take the “gospel ammo” and pass it up to the soldiers on the front lines. Nowhere is this mission clearer than in our Anchor Book Project.

Would you join us in asking for God’s provision for another 100,000 copies so that men and women in desperate need can find the Savior?

On another front Derek Taylor, the KBM webmaster, has been in Dallas the last two days meeting with Ray and with Mark and Josh on the redesign of our website. Those meetings turned into some very exciting “blue sky brainstorming” sessions. Pray that God will use those ideas to help us use the Internet to reach more people with solid Bible teaching.

On Friday we travel to Chicago. On Saturday morning the KBM board meets. On Sunday morning Ray speaks at FBC ELM Church in Elmhurst. If you are in the area, we would love to see you on Sunday.

Thank you for your faithful giving during these summer months. And thank you even more for your prayers. God has opened many doors. We pray for wisdom to follow the Lord and strength to do his will.

We love you and thank God for your friendship. Please let us know how you are doing.

God bless you!

Ray and Marlene

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