The Strategic Prayer Initiative
March 7, 2004
THE STRATEGIC PRAYER INITIATIVE by Ray Pritchard Several years ago Mike Jebb came up with a revolutionary idea: What if Christians took prayer seriously? What if, instead of praying “when we feel like it,” Christians began to pray the way that soldiers go to war? What if our prayer room became a “war room” where we engaged in serious spiritual warfare with the “principalities and powers” that oppose God’s work in the world? Mike and I agreed that he had a noble concept, but how would you ever make such a thing practical for believers who already feel burdened with too many things to do and not enough hours in the day? As Mike wrestled with the practical reality of his vision, he and a few friends field-tested several ideas. They eventually settled on a plan called the Strategic Prayer Initiative. The core concept is very simple. Three people (three men or three women) make a six-month commitment to form a three-part “Prayer Cord” based on Ecclesiastes 4:12, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Here’s how it works: The three members of the “Prayer Cord” agree to pray for each other every day for spiritual growth and knowledge of the Word. You are also asked to pray for one “strategic prayer item” each day. That item changes for each day of the month. Once a month you meet together as a “Prayer Cord” for personal encouragement. The total time commitment each day is two or three minutes. That doesn’t sound like much, but if 500 people signed up, that would amount to 1,500 minutes of focused prayer each day–25 hours per day, 750 hours per month. In six months, that equals 4,500 hours of “strategic” prayer. Even as I write the words, I marvel at how much can be accomplished if hundreds of us band together to pray two or three minutes each day. This idea is being co-sponsored by our Men’s and Women’s Ministries at Calvary. They would like to invite you to attend a free breakfast on Saturday, March 20, 8:00-9:30 a.m. to learn more about the Strategic Prayer Initiative. And remember, this is a six-month commitment to be part of a “Prayer Cord.” We’ll start in April and end in September. We won’t assign you to a “Prayer Cord.” Any three men or any three woman can form their own team. This is simple, it’s quick, and it’s one way to jumpstart your walk with the Lord. Each day of the month you’ll pray for a different strategic need–a Supreme Court justice, an unreached people group, a “key cultural leader,” a world crisis, and so on. This is a noble idea and I plan to be part of a “Prayer Cord.” You’ll find sign-up information in the bulletin. Please join me as we turn the “prayer room” into a “war room” for the Kingdom of God.