The Kind of Pastors We Need Today
May 4, 2006
A few random notes …
After a long day on the road, we arrived safely in Oak Park at 7 PM. Except for a few drops of rain in the morning, we had good weather the whole way. Somewhere in Kentucky Marlene saw a sign that read “Used Cows for Sale.” We’re not quite sure what that meant.
First high point of the trip: Stopping at an outlet mall in Indiana where one of us did some shopping.
Second high point of the trip: Stopping at Dairy Queen for chocolate-dipped ice cream cones.
Taylor Hicks!
Dave Burchet writes about his wife’s first chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.
This is very hard to do.
Phil Newton is one of the signers of the Memphis Declaration, a call for repentance and renewal in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Ligon Duncan shares his vision of the kind of pastors we need:
We long to see a renewal of the old evangelical alliances, around the Gospel, and a strong coalition of Bible-saturated, truth-driven, God-entranced, prayer-soaked, aggressively evangelistic, Christ-treasuring, Christ-exalting, Spirit-filled, sovereign grace-loving, missions-advancing, hell-robbing, strong-thinking, real-need-exposing, soul-winning, mind-engaging, vagueness-rejecting, wartime-life-style-pursuing, self-denying, self-giving, risk-taking, justice-advancing, Scripture-expounding, cross-cherishing, homosexuality-opposing, abortion-denouncing, racism-resisting, heaven-desiring, imputation-of-an-alien righteousness-proclaiming, justification-by-faith-alone-apart-from-doing preaching, error-exposing, complementarian, joyful, humble, loving, courageous, happy pastors working together for the Gospel.
He includes a similar paragraph describing the kind of churches we might hope for if God raises up a generation of pastors like this. I can only add, “Amen, Lord, may it be so.”