The Coronavirus Outbreak: How Should We Respond?
March 12, 2020
This morning many people are waking up to a world they never imagined because of the coronavirus outbreak. Here are three quick thoughts about how Christians should respond:
1. Don’t panic. Christians ought to be the calmest people on earth because we know the Lord, and he holds the future in his hands.
2. Prepare for the unexpected. Since no one can say what tomorrow will bring, we would do well to stock up on the essentials we will need. That includes things like prescription drugs, cleaning supplies, canned goods, nonperishable food, and the other ordinary items we would buy anyway.
3. Be ready to share. Keep your eyes open for those in need. This includes senior citizens, the sick, and those who are otherwise overlooked by society.
We will all find plenty of opportunities to minister in the days ahead. We need not give in fear. Take wise precautions (wash your hands!), pray for “missionary eyes” to see those who need a word of encouragement, walk by faith, remember God’s promises, and let your light shine.
We were made for times like these.
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