The $100,000 Gift for China

August 17, 2012

Not long ago a friend I never met died.

I suppose to call him a “friend” would be a stretch because I never met him and never spoke to him. It would be more accurate to say that he was a friend to this ministry and a friend to our China outreach.

He was a veteran of World War II who loved the Lord and wanted to see his assets used for Kingdom purposes. A few months ago he asked his pastor to help him make the right arrangements. A lawyer prepared the necessary documents, and he was able to give substantial sums of money to various ministries that were close to his heart. 

Earlier this year, two months before we started the China broadcasts, we received a gift of almost $100,000 for our KBM China project. It came because he had a heart to share Christ with the whole world.

I planned to meet him later this year when my travels would take me to his part of the country, but we always knew that might not happen because he was over 90 years old and his health was frail. A few days ago his pastor called to tell me that he had died. 

Now he is with the Lord and he is reunited with his dear wife who died a few years ago. I mention all of that to say that we are grateful to God for a man who wanted to help get the gospel to the people of China. His gift gave a great boost to the China project when we really needed it. 

I look forward to thanking him in person someday. Until then, I record our gratitude here. 

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. They will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”  (Revelation 14:13)

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