Ten Weeks From Today

August 9, 2009

Taken inside Lazarus’ tomb on the 2007 tour.

Ten weeks from today we’re flying to Israel on the Keep Believing Holy Land Tour. You could be on the plane with us as we fly from Chicago to Istanbul and on to Tel Aviv. We’ll spend the first night in Netanya on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, then we’ll spend the next several nights in Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee. Then we’ll travel to Jerusalem for the last few days of our tour.

If you’ve been thinking about going, we’ve got a smaller group than usual. That means it’s more like a private tour. It also means that with a smaller group, we’ll be like a family. And we’ll see more because we can get around quicker. 

So check out the online brochure. Drop us an email if you have a question. If you’d like us to mail you a brochure, we’ll be glad to do that.

Think about it. Ten weeks from tonight you could be starting the trip of a lifetime. You’ll need to act quickly, and you’ll also need a valid passport. So don’t delay. Join us as we visit the Land of the Bible, October 18-28. 

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