“Temptation” by J. D. Jones

August 12, 2010

Notes on Chapter 6 of Paul’s Certainties by J. D. Jones. This chapter contains a sermon called “Temptation” based on 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

“We are born into a fatal heritage of evil desire.”

“If we had pure and stainless hearts, or if the world was a world in harmony with God, temptation would not arise ; but being what we are, and the world being such as it is, temptation is likely, nay, certain, to meet us.”

“The truly brave man is not the man who laughs at temptation, but the man who is brave enough to recognize his own weakness and be afraid of it.”

“Are you ever afraid, brethren? Do you ever tremble for your own safety?”

“We want courage enough to be able to say, when invited to do this or that, ’I cannot—I am afraid.’”

“There are some things you had better never touch ; there are some books you had better never read; there are some pictures you had better never see; there are some places you had better never visit; there are some people you had better never know. Your wisdom is to be afraid of them; to shun them; never to come near them.”

“It is soothing to one’s pride to believe that no one ever had such temptations as we; but the Bible does not leave us that rag of comfort.”

“Every temptation is to be overcome.»

“Notice, the Apostle does not give as his reason for confidence that man is strong, but that God is faithful.”

“The Lord knoweth how to deliver, though perhaps He may choose to deliver not by removing the temptation, but by redoubling our strength, so that we may be able to endure it.”

“He has been faithful to multitudes; He will be faithful also to you.”

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