Ted Haggard Removed as Pastor of New Life Church
November 5, 2006
Kudos to the leaders at New Life Church for acting quickly to remove Ted Haggard from his position as senior pastor. Here is their letter to the congregation explaining the decision. When the facts are clear, as they evidently were to those doing the investigation, nothing is gained (and much is lost) by delaying the final decision. It had to be very difficult to remove a beloved leader who had led the church for many years, building it into a congregation of national and international influence. I can think of many reasons why they might have waffled and made excuses. When they found clear evidence of “sexually immoral conduct,” they removed their pastor from his office.
God bless them–and I think he will–for having the courage to make a tough decision, under enormous scrutiny, and to take the hard road of obedience to God’s Word. Ultimately this will benefit both the local church, the larger body of Christ, and we can only hope that it will help Ted Haggard rebuild his broken life.