Super Bowl XLl—It’s All About the Food
January 31, 2007
Last night I went to bed thinking about the Super Bowl, which is something that hasn’t happened in a long time. In the last few years, I’ve watched the game but not with a lot of interest. This year is different, however, and I am in fact torn between the Bears and the Colts. Mostly, maybe entirely, I’m for the Bears, but it’s hard to root against Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning. If the Colts win, I won’t be heartbroken.
I’m glad the Colts made it to the Super Bowl. Happy for them for a lot of reasons. And happily surprised the Bears made it. So I’m lying in bed last night thinking or maybe dreaming, I’m not sure, when I imagined the Bears intercepting Peyton Manning in the fourth quarter so I guess that means I’m cheering for the Bears to win it all.
This Saturday we’re flying to Florida where I’ll be speaking for a week at Word of Life Florida, about 45 minutes north of Tampa. When I found out the Bears and Colts were in the Super Bowl, I wrote Tom Phillips, the director, and tactfully asked him if I was preaching this Sunday night. He wrote back and said not to worry. They’ve moved the evening service up to 5 PM and will have a Super Bowl party afterwards. I don’t know if I’m preaching Sunday night or not (I suspect that I am), but if so, I plan to get to the point quickly, which will surprise everyone.
Okay, time for my prediction. Defense wins championships, right? So Da Bears. But Peyton is a superstar quarterback. So the Colts. Two good coaches. A wash. Both teams have good running backs. Beyond that, I don’t know much more about either team. So it comes down to two factors–uniforms and food. Here it’s easy because the Bears will be wearing their dark blue jerseys with matching helmets. Very intimidating. That leaves food. What is Chicago known for? Above all else, deep dish pizza. It was invented in Chicago. What food is Indianapolis known for? I couldn’t think of anything so I Googled it and got this answer. The number one response was White Castle hamburgers. I confess to having enjoyed my share of “sliders” over the years. Nothing better than having four or five plus a Coke and some fries. But you can’t really compare White Castle with deep dish pizza. It’s just not right. So it’s the Bears in Super Bowl XLl. I’m picking the Bears to win 31-29 in a nail-biter. They’ll have to stop Peyton late in the fourth quarter to do it. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
What’s your pick? Name the winner and the score along with any other deep insights you have.