
Can We Still Believe in Life After Death?
by Ray Pritchard

One day the Sadducees tried to trick Jesus with a very weird question. Jesus’ surprising answer teaches us a great deal about life after death. Our hope of the resurrection rests on the faithfulness of God. Our hope for the future rests not in science, not in speculation, not in some proof text, but in the character of God himself!

Text: Luke 20:27-40
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

How Faith Works
by Ray Pritchard

The life of faith is inherently a life of risk. It is not for those timid souls who want to play it safe all the time. As long as we limit God to what we think he can do, we will never see anything great because our faith remains so small. But once we are willing to suspend our disbelief and renounce our skepticism, then and only then do we become candidates for a miracle.

Text: Luke 7:1-10
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

The Standing Orders of the Gospel
by Ray Pritchard

The real impact of the gospel will be seen when we don’t feel joyful, when we don’t want to pray, and when we can’t think of a reason to be thankful. That’s when we discover if our Christianity is the genuine article or a spiritual counterfeit.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Sermon Series: Living in the Last Days (1 Thessalonians)

Why God Makes It Hard When It Ought to be Easy
by Ray Pritchard

2 Samuel 2-3 tell the story of David’s long struggle to become king over all Israel. His life is a pattern of how God deals with his children. It is God’s plan to vindicate us slowly, bless us openly, surprise us occasionally, and test us continually. God intends to develop our character, and to do that adversity is essential.

Text: 2 Samuel 2-3
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

If God Is Sovereign, What Then?
by Ray Pritchard

Our problems with the sovereignty of God start when sovereignty becomes personal. We will never understand this doctrine until we remember that we live in a fallen, that evil is personal, that we must start with God, and that God has bought us with the blood of his Son.

Text: Psalm 103:19-22
Sermon Series: Absolute Praise (Psalm 103)

The Blessed Benefits
by Ray Pritchard

Many of us need to give God a “one-minute praising” for all his blessings. We’re sure good at telling the Lord what we want him to do for us. We need a good dose of Psalm 103 to wash out that complaining spirit and replace it with a heart of gratitude to the Lord.

Text: Psalm 103:1-5
Sermon Series: Absolute Praise (Psalm 103)

Choose Life!
by Ray Pritchard

Whoever occupies the Oval Office for the next four years will make decisions that will guide our nation far into the future. Which way will we go? How should we make up our minds? This sermon argues that we should “choose life” by taking our Christian convictions with us into the voting booth.

Text: Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Sermon Series: Election Day Special Sermon

The Final Difference Between the Church and the World
by Ray Pritchard

At the Red Sea, the Hebrews were delivered while the Egyptians were destroyed. From this we learn that the church and the world have two different destinations. This is the final difference between them.

Text: Hebrews 11:29
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

The Great Refusal
by Ray Pritchard

Because Moses said no to the riches of Egypt, he suffered greatly with the people of God. He shows us what it means—and what it costs—to say no to the world and yes to Jesus.

Text: Hebrews 11:24-28
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

If I Should Die Before I Wake
by Ray Pritchard

The stories of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph show us what faith looks like at the end of life. Here is one mark of genuine Christianity. When you come to the end of your earthly journey, you still hold on to what you believe. Because Jesus died and rose again, we can face our own death with confidence, knowing that the Lord will not abandon us when we need him most.

Text: Hebrews 11:20-22
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

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