
Should Our Teachers Be Required to Sign the Articles of Faith?
by Ray Pritchard

Tonight we are beginning a brand-new series of Sunday night messages. As you know, I usually take books of the […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: These Things We Believe

What About Those Who Never Hear The Gospel?
by Ray Pritchard

The subject for this morning is perhaps the most troubling question that Christians can face. The fate of those who […]

Text: Romans 1:18-20
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

The Text That Changed the World
by Ray Pritchard

Certain texts of the Bible are so familiar to the Christian that they require almost no introduction. They are the […]

Text: Romans 1:16-17
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

A Heart to Heart Ministry
by Ray Pritchard

“No one cares how much you know, ‘til they know how much you care.” This week those words have been […]

Text: Romans 1:8-15
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

To Rome With Love
by Ray Pritchard

The year was 1911, and a young man from Sydney, Australia, arrived in the United States. He had crossed the […]

Text: Romans 1:1-7
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

The Cradle And The Cross: Simeon’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

It’s a good question, isn’t it? If Jesus were born today, would it be any different than it was 2,000 […]

Text: Luke 2:25-35
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Behind The Scenes At Christmastime: Zechariah’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

This year the title of our Christmas series is “The Songs of Christmas.” The theme is appropriate because it is […]

Text: Luke 1:67-80
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Are You Living By Creative Risk?
by Ray Pritchard

It was Helen Keller who said, “Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all.” Those words […]

Text: Matthew 4:22-32
Sermon Series: Wholly Living

Equal But Not Identical: Men And Women In The Local Church
by Ray Pritchard

In this day of social upheaval, many traditional views held by the Christian church are being questioned. Not the least […]

Sermon Series: Critical Issues

by Ray Pritchard

Part six of a sermon series “The seven last words of Christ” – (seven last words of Jesus)

Text: John 19:30
Sermon Series: Seven Last Words of Jesus

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