
Whatever Became of Sin?
by Ray Pritchard

In 1990, Life Magazine published an article naming the 100 most significant individuals of the 20th century. Many of the […]

Text: Romans 7:7-13
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

The Eyes of God Are Upon You
by Ray Pritchard

Our story begins in 1833 when a man named Joseph Kettlestrings, an Englishman from Yorkshire, arrived in the Chicago area. […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: State of the Church Sermons

Portrait of a Godly Leader
by Ray Pritchard

We begin with the words of Robert Cook: “There is no substitute for character. You can buy brains, but you […]

Text: I Timothy 3; Titus 1
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Remarried and Happy at Last!
by Ray Pritchard

In your marriage and in your Christian life, it’s not law but love that matters: The law says, “You must.” Love says, “I want to.” Before you come to Christ, you are on a continual performance standard, trying to do more in order to win God’s approval. But through Christ you discover that God loves you in spite of your failure.

Text: Romans 7:1-6
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

You Gotta Serve Somebody
by Ray Pritchard

We’ll call him Bill, but it doesn’t matter. He’s been a Christian for three or four or five years. Although […]

Text: Romans 6:15-23
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

Free at Last
by Ray Pritchard

There are many reasons people give for not becoming a Christian. Most of those reasons are in the form of […]

Text: Romans 6:1-7
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

Men and Women in Biblical Perspective
by Ray Pritchard

I find myself in a peculiar position this morning. No matter what I say, or how carefully I say it, […]

Text: Genesis 1-3
Sermon Series: Critical Issues

God Plays No Favorites
by Ray Pritchard

We all go to the heaven the same way–by the grace and mercy of God.

Text: Romans 3:27-31
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

Mr. I.M. Okay Meets His Maker
by Ray Pritchard

Don’t just stand there looking religious. Religion can only damn you!

Text: Romans 2:1-16
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

Jesus The Revolutionary: Mary’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

When the history of the 20th century is finally written, it may well be that the last forty years will […]

Text: Luke 1:48-55
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

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