
The Making of a Disciple
by Ray Pritchard

Some of us have worked all week for the approval of men and we still don’t have it. And when we get it, we can’t keep it. When will we ever learn that nothing in this world can ever fill the God-shaped hole in our hearts. Only you can satisfy. Empty us, O Lord, so that you can fill us with yourself. Wean us from the things of the world so that your smile will be the only thing that matters. Build the character of the kingdom in us so that you can call us Blessed and we may hear the applause of heaven.

Text: Matthew 5:1-3
Sermon Series: Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

Hot Coals: Loving Those You’d Rather Hate
by Ray Pritchard

In the name of Jesus, live in peace with everyone. In Jesus’ name, refuse to return evil for evil. Know that out where you live, work, study and play, there are people who won’t like you, who will attempt to hurt, who will mistreat you and then laugh about it. Go anyway, and carry with you the love of God. Go determined not to seek revenge against those who hurt you.

Text: Romans 12:17-21
Sermon Series: The Transformed Life (Romans 12-16)

What Difference Does Easter Make?
by Ray Pritchard

God has answered your deepest questions with the simplicity of an empty tomb. I declare to you that Jesus Christ is alive! My friend, what will you say to that? What difference does it make to you? Will you give him your heart and your life? Will you trust him as your Lord and Savior?

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

When Christians Disagree
by Ray Pritchard

We Christians disagree a lot, sometimes about the craziest things. I don’t know if you know it or not, but […]

Text: Acts 15:36-41
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

Don’t Get Fleeced!
by Ray Pritchard

Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised—look, I will place a […]

Text: Judges 6
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

Marching Off the Map
by Ray Pritchard

In our previous studies, we have uncovered some basic principles about God’s will: 1. God wants you to know his […]

Text: Esther 4
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

Sense and Nonsense about God’s Guidance
by Ray Pritchard

In 1988 something new happened in the American political process. That year, for the first time in a long time, […]

Text: Exodus 13:21-22; Psalm 48:14
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

Does God Still Guide?
by Ray Pritchard

The year was 1915. A young man in Liverpool, England was preparing to return to America . He was a […]

Text: Exodus 13:21-22; Psalm 48:14
Sermon Series: Light My Path -- Knowing God's Will

Life in the Spirit
by Ray Pritchard

The whole question of the Spirit-filled life resolves itself into this: Are you keeping in contact with the Holy Spirit? Your job—your only real job as a Christian—is to stay in contact with the Spirit.

Text: Romans 8:5-17
Sermon Series: New Life In Christ (Romans 5-8)

The Battle Is On
by Ray Pritchard

The date—750 B.C. The place—Jerusalem. The man—Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, a good king, the son of Asa. During his reign […]

Text: II Chronicles 20

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