
Behind The Scenes At Christmastime: Zechariah’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

This year the title of our Christmas series is “The Songs of Christmas.” The theme is appropriate because it is […]

Text: Luke 1:67-80
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Do You Have the Courage to be Happy?
by Ray Pritchard

It started on a Friday night 17 years ago in Lansing, Michigan when a young sophomore came off the bench […]

Text: Matthew 5:3-12
Sermon Series: Wholly Living

Have You Stopped Blaming Others For Your Problems?
by Ray Pritchard

You probably don’t recognize the name Bob Shannon unless you happen to be a student of Illinois high school football, […]

Text: John 5:1-9
Sermon Series: Wholly Living

Is It Becoming Easier to Say “I Was Wrong?”
by Ray Pritchard

The eyes of the nation focused on Milwaukee for one brief moment this week. Inside a hushed courtroom Jeffrey Dahmer […]

Text: Luke 15:21
Sermon Series: Wholly Living

A Time to Die
by Ray Pritchard

Part seven of a sermon series “The seven last words of Christ”

Text: Luke 23:46
Sermon Series: Seven Last Words of Jesus

Don’t Bet On It: Gambling And The Christian Faith
by Ray Pritchard

“Gambling is inevitable.” So began the introduction to the final report of the Commission on the Review of National Policy […]

Sermon Series: Critical Issues

Equal But Not Identical: Men And Women In The Local Church
by Ray Pritchard

In this day of social upheaval, many traditional views held by the Christian church are being questioned. Not the least […]

Sermon Series: Critical Issues

A Good Man Lost and a Bad Man Saved
by Ray Pritchard

Some of you may have seen a movie last summer called Reversal of Fortune. That would be a good subtitle […]

Text: Luke 18:9-14
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

The Sensitivity of Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

This is how Luke tells the story: As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a […]

Text: Luke 8:42-48
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

The Shepherd’s Gift
by Ray Pritchard

About the time I graduated from seminary in 1978, a leading Christian magazine published an article entitled, “Things They Didn’t […]

Text: Ephesians 4:11
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

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