
Backstage at Bethlehem
by Ray Pritchard

It’s amazing how simple some things really are. Take the Bible, for instance. At first glance, it’s an intimidating book […]

Text: John 1:10-13
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

The Invisible Hand: Coming to Grips With God’s Providence
by Ray Pritchard

Do all things really work together for good? Consider the following: A little baby is born with no brain, only […]

Text: Genesis 50:20
Sermon Series: Our Awesome God

The Eyes of God Are Upon You
by Ray Pritchard

Our story begins in 1833 when a man named Joseph Kettlestrings, an Englishman from Yorkshire, arrived in the Chicago area. […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: State of the Church Sermons

From Jacob to Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

Our final study in the life of Jacob is different from all the rest. When we began, he was still […]

Text: Genesis 49:10; Luke 1:33
Sermon Series: Journeys with Jacob (Genesis 25-50)

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