No one will ever be sorry they ended up in heaven.
Text: Revelation 7:9-17Have you ever noticed that grandparents love to show pictures of their grandchildren to every one they meet? It’s like […]
Text: Mark 6:45-56If we live another day without the Holy Spirit’s control in our lives, we have only ourselves to blame. God has made himself fully available to us. Have we made ourselves fully available to him?
Text: Ephesians 5:18You can be wrong about many things and still go to heaven.
But you can’t be wrong about Jesus and go to heaven.
Jesus’ shocking death has sprinkled the nations with blood that will wash away every sin.
Text: Isaiah 52:13-15The world cannot ignore a life truly changed by Christ.
Text: Acts 4:13Christ came to die! Nothing else explains his birth.
Text: Hebrews 10:5-7Nothing is ever wasted. Everything “fits” somewhere.
Text: Genesis 45If we will face the truth about ourselves, we can be set free.
Text: Genesis 44-45If your God isn’t bigger than your problems, maybe you need to trade him in for the God of the Bible.
Text: Genesis 41