
Something Big Is Happening Here
by Ray Pritchard

When we face hard times and when life makes no sense whatsoever, we need to stop and say to ourselves, “Something big is happening here.” God never wastes anything. Not even the tiniest tear falls without a purpose.

Text: Ephesians 3:10
Sermon Series: Soul Food: Ephesians for the 21st-Century

Bad Manners at the Dinner Table
by Ray Pritchard

We need an infusion of God’s love to make us open in our friendships, open in our churches, and open on Sunday morning to new people who love the Lord but don’t fit our particular target group.

Text: Galatians 2:11-14
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

We Believe, Therefore We Speak
by Ray Pritchard

May God give us preachers with some backbone who won’t back down. God deliver us from politically correct sermons and preachers who preach everything but the Word of God.

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13-15
Sermon Series: Never Give Up! (2 Corinthians)

Always Dying, Always Living
by Ray Pritchard

We can live in such a way that others see Christ in us. But for that to happen we must be broken so that the light of Christ can come shining through us.

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:10-12
Sermon Series: Never Give Up! (2 Corinthians)

What I’ve Learned About Preaching
by Ray Pritchard

Preaching is the highest calling in the whole world, worthy of the greatest effort week by week, as men called by God rise in the power of the Spirit to deliver the Word of God to a waiting congregation.


Death Defeated
by Ray Pritchard

Death was defeated when Jesus rose from the dead, and one day death will be no more.

Text: Revelation 1:18
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

Who Sinned?
by Ray Pritchard

It doesn’t take deep faith or total understanding in order to be transformed. All it takes is faith that believes the words of Jesus even when you aren’t sure of anything else.

Text: John 9
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Living on a Spiritual Plateau–Part 1
by Ray Pritchard

Spiritual plateaus, like physical plateaus, are natural and normal and necessary. They are part of God’s “scenery” of the Christian life.

Text: 2 Corinthians 3:18
Sermon Series: Living on a Spiritual Plateau

Now I See
by Ray Pritchard

We can preach the gospel and we can pray. Satan will do all he can to keep the lost blind and confused so they cannot “see” the gospel. Only God can lift the veil and speak the words that will bring light to those who walk in darkness.

Text: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6
Sermon Series: Never Give Up! (2 Corinthians)

The God-Dependent Life
by Ray Pritchard

While living in this flesh, we face the same limitations as others do. We keep going because our confidence is on God, not in ourselves.

Text: 2 Corinthians 3:4-6
Sermon Series: Never Give Up! (2 Corinthians)
1 3 4 5 6 7 42

New Search