You can be wrong about many things and still go to heaven.
But you can’t be wrong about Jesus and go to heaven.
Christ came to die! Nothing else explains his birth.
Text: Hebrews 10:5-7Nothing is ever wasted. Everything “fits” somewhere.
Text: Genesis 45“I found my cross. Have you found yours?”
Text: Luke 23:26Through your tears, lift up your eyes and look again to Bethlehem. That sleeping child will rise to battle and no one will stand against him.
Text: Matthew 2:13-23I am Barabbas. Every man is. Murderer, thief, criminal, insurrectionist, lawbreaker, rioter. Justly imprisoned, rightly condemned, freed from punishment by a substitute who died in my place.
Text: Matthew 27:15-26Here’s the whole Bible presented as a drama in six acts, starting with creation and ending with the Second Coming of Christ.
Sermon Series: Standalone MessagesYou find out what you really believe when others mistreat you. Sometimes the real test of your faith is what you don’t do.
Text: Matthew 5:11God prefers losers who know their weakness, see their flaws, admit their mistakes, and cry out to him for help.
Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7Jesus stands at the end of life’s road for all of us. There can be no middle ground. The ultimate question is not how someone else responds but how you respond to Jesus. That’s really the only thing that matters.
Text: Matthew 2:1-6