“Lord Jesus, you have made me a new creation. Help me to live like it today. Amen.”
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:16-17Everything God has for us is contained in these simple words: “I will never leave you.”
Sermon Series: Big PromisesMany people woke up this week to a world they never imagined.
Sermon Series: Coronavirus ChroniclesImagine waking up this morning and Iranian tanks and missiles are pointed at your house with members of the Revolutionary […]
Sermon Series: Glad You AskedSince our youngest daughter has now graduated from high school, it got me thinking about how many graduation speeches I’ve […]
Text: Joshua 1:1-9The peace that comes from God is perfect.
Text: Isaiah 26:3Part two of a sermon series “The seven last words of Christ”
Text: Luke 23:43You can’t fool God so don’t even try.
Text: Acts 5:1-11The question is not "Can you?” but "Will you?”
Text: Genesis 50:20Death cannot exhaust the promises of God.
Text: Genesis 50 & Hebrews 11