My text is Ecclesiastes 7:19-22: “Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city. There is […]
Sermon Series: Chasing the Wind (Ecclesiastes)Ray: Here’s a scene from our house, circa 1989. It was 10 P.M. and Joshua and Mark had just returned […]
Sermon Series: Couples Conference 2007Everyone has a story to tell, even the people who seem to smile all the time. This is one of […]
Text: Isaiah 40:28-31Lord, don’t you care – that my child is sick, my marriage is falling apart, I have no money, I feel so alone? All of us have moments when life tumbles in around us, when we feel utterly alone and forgotten by God. In those moments we have a choice to make.
Text: Mark 4:35-41Christians, do you know what time it is? The Apostle Paul tells us it’s time to wake up, put off the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. In light of the return of Christ, and the lateness of the hour, how should we then live?
Text: Romans 13:11-14If your God is too small, perhaps you need to take another look at the God of the Bible.
Text: Romans 11:33-36(Revised and Expanded January 9, 1991) The following things have happened in the last 72 hours: *Yesterday the Iraqi Revolutionary […]
Sermon Series: Critical IssuesNo matter how hopeless the situation looks, God has not lost the battle. In the end we’re going to come out on the winning side.
Text: Romans 11:1-10It’s time to pray, “Lord do things I’m not used to.”
Text: 1 Kings 17:1It is not a sin to be discouraged. It is not a sin to be depressed. It’s what you do when you are discouraged, depressed and feeling hopeless that matters. Once we open our eyes, we will see God everywhere.
Text: 1 Kings 19