The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most epic event ever!
Text: John 20When the time comes to take sides with Jesus, all you need is enough courage to do the right thing.
“Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When He had said this, he breathed His last.” Jesus knew that He was born in order to die. In this quotation from Psalm 31:5, Jesus is ready to die because He is confident that He will be with the Father once again.
Text: Luke 23:44-46You find out what you really believe when others mistreat you.
Text: Isaiah 53:7-9“When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’” This cry from the Cross is a shout of victory! Jesus fully paid the price for our sins, stamping “paid in full” across the ledger sheet of our lives. Since Jesus paid it all, we don’t have to—but we do need to receive what He has done by faith.
Text: John 19:30If you want to be saved, remember these four words: Run to the cross!
Text: Isaiah 53:4-6You can be wrong about many things and still go to heaven.
But you can’t be wrong about Jesus and go to heaven.
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The answer to this question causes us to tremble when we realize that Jesus was forsaken because of our sins. Jesus felt the full weight of sin rolled onto His shoulders and endured the Father’s revulsion at the accumulated amount of our transgressions.
Text: Matthew 27:45-46Jesus’ shocking death has sprinkled the nations with blood that will wash away every sin.
Text: Isaiah 52:13-15Christ came to die! Nothing else explains his birth.
Text: Hebrews 10:5-7