
Final Words of a Family Man
by Ray Pritchard

Part three of a sermon series “The seven last words of Christ”

Text: John 19:25-27
Sermon Series: Seven Last Words of Jesus

When Having It All Is Not Enough
by Ray Pritchard

Do you recognize the name Lee Atwater? If you know American politics, especially the politics of the 1980s, then you […]

Text: Luke 18:18-27
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

Doubters Welcome
by Ray Pritchard

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned acts of God? That’s a good question to ask […]

Text: John 20:24-29
Sermon Series: Faces Around the Cross

A Man Called Pilate
by Ray Pritchard

Here is yet another man we’d all like to meet. His is the story of a man caught in a […]

Text: Mark 15:1-15
Sermon Series: Faces Around the Cross

Before The Rooster Crows
by Ray Pritchard

There are some sounds that we do not hear very often. One of them is the sound of a rooster […]

Text: John 18:25-27
Sermon Series: Faces Around the Cross

Thirty Pieces Of Silver
by Ray Pritchard

There are two things that perplex us about Judas. First, why did he do what he did? Second, after he […]

Text: Matthew 26:14-16
Sermon Series: Faces Around the Cross

The Sensitivity of Jesus
by Ray Pritchard

This is how Luke tells the story: As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. And a […]

Text: Luke 8:42-48
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

How to Be a Great Lover
by Ray Pritchard

My text today is one of the great short stories of the Bible. Somebody like Steven Bochco could turn this […]

Text: Luke 7:36-50
Sermon Series: Absolute Praise (Psalm 103)Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

Famous Last Words
by Ray Pritchard

It didn’t happen in Chicago, so it wasn’t a day like this. Cold, wet, snowy, slippery and watch your step. […]

Text: Matthew 28:18-20
Sermon Series: World Missions

Who Is This Man?
by Ray Pritchard

You cannot ignore Jesus forever.

Text: Luke 5:17-26
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

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