
Four Steps to Better Bible Listening
by Ray Pritchard

You don’t have to know Greek or Hebrew to understand the Bible, but you do need a willing heart.

Text: James 1:21-25
Sermon Series: Pressure Points (James)

Why You Can Trust the Bible
by Brian Bill

I was up in Madison to speak to some young men who are involved in a ministry called Cru.  Being […]

Text: 2 Peter 1:16-21
Sermon Series: Growing in Grace (2 Peter)

You Have All You Need
by Brian Bill

How many of you love Peeps?  They’ve become pretty popular, having now expanded into lip balm, nail polish, and wristbands.  […]

Text: 2 Peter 2:1-4
Sermon Series: Growing in Grace (2 Peter)

Christmas According to John
by Brian Bill

In a world filled with bad news, I’m so glad that the Christmas message is filled with good news.  We […]

Text: John 1:14
Sermon Series: Christmas According To...

Contrary Christianity
by Brian Bill

Christians are to live contrary lives.

Text: 1 Peter 3:7
Sermon Series: Living Hope (1 Peter)

Christian Citizenship
by Brian Bill

Good Christians are good citizens.

Text: 1 Peter 2:13-17
Sermon Series: Living Hope (1 Peter)

Drinking the Bible
by Brian Bill

We won’t grow unless we get into the Word.

Text: 1 Peter 2: 1-3
Sermon Series: Living Hope (1 Peter)

The Promise of Wisdom
by Brian Bill

God will show us what to do when we don’t know what to do.

Text: 1 Kings 3:1-15
Sermon Series: A Summer of Promise

How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?
by Ray Pritchard

If we live another day without the Holy Spirit’s control in our lives, we have only ourselves to blame. God has made himself fully available to us. Have we made ourselves fully available to him?

Text: Ephesians 5:18
Sermon Series: Experiencing God Today: Six Sermons on the Holy Spirit

Last-Second Salvation
by Ray Pritchard

Part two of a sermon series “The seven last words of Christ”

Text: Luke 23:43
Sermon Series: Seven Last Words of Jesus

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