
Choose Life!
by Ray Pritchard

Whoever occupies the Oval Office for the next four years will make decisions that will guide our nation far into the future. Which way will we go? How should we make up our minds? This sermon argues that we should “choose life” by taking our Christian convictions with us into the voting booth.

Text: Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Sermon Series: Election Day Special Sermon

The Final Difference Between the Church and the World
by Ray Pritchard

At the Red Sea, the Hebrews were delivered while the Egyptians were destroyed. From this we learn that the church and the world have two different destinations. This is the final difference between them.

Text: Hebrews 11:29
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

The Great Refusal
by Ray Pritchard

Because Moses said no to the riches of Egypt, he suffered greatly with the people of God. He shows us what it means—and what it costs—to say no to the world and yes to Jesus.

Text: Hebrews 11:24-28
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Shall We Kill Our Children Today?
by Ray Pritchard

The amazing faith of Moses’ parents shows us the high value that God puts on children, including those children that are born in less than ideal circumstances. Christians love children because God loves children. Ours is true pro-family religion.

Text: Hebrews 11:23
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

If I Should Die Before I Wake
by Ray Pritchard

The stories of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph show us what faith looks like at the end of life. Here is one mark of genuine Christianity. When you come to the end of your earthly journey, you still hold on to what you believe. Because Jesus died and rose again, we can face our own death with confidence, knowing that the Lord will not abandon us when we need him most.

Text: Hebrews 11:20-22
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Angry Man Alert
by Ray Pritchard

In this message, Ray Pritchard talks about the five character qualities that relate to a man and his anger. When our power is not under God’s control, we hurt ourselves and those closest to us. We need God’s help so that we might become like Jesus who was both gentle and strong, a true “gentle man.”

Sermon Series: Couples Conference 2007

Why We Keep Believing
by Ray Pritchard

Because Christians are aliens and strangers on earth, we are destined to live and die feeling slightly (and maybe more than slightly) out of place. But we will not quit, give up or go back because our home is in heaven. We have expectations of something much better than anything the world has to offer.

Text: Hebrews 11:13-16
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

The Incredible Journey
by Ray Pritchard

Our focus in this message is on the man we often call “Father Abraham.” Hebrews 11:8-10 tells how he obeyed God’s call at great personal sacrifice. It tells us what he did; more importantly, it tells us why he did it. And it clearly shows us that obeying God doesn’t always work out the way we think it will.

Text: Hebrews 11:8-10
Sermon Series: Outrageous Faith

Why God Chooses Splendid Sinners and Lovable Losers
by Ray Pritchard

When God chooses people for his family, he picks those the world considers losers. This means that imperfect people make excellent candidates for the grace of God. Since we are all imperfect, when we boast, let us boast only in the Lord.

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Strength for the Journey
by Ray Pritchard

In this message Pastor Ray reminds us everything we believe rests on the sovereignty of God. Salvation starts with God, not with us. Because he has chosen us, we can stand firm amid the trials of life. By standing firm we prove to ourselves and to the watching world what we truly believe.

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Sermon Series: Adventures in Prayer
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