
The Mysterious Doctrine of the Trinity – Acticle B: The True God
by Ray Pritchard

My introduction to the doctrine of the Trinity came at a very young age. I first learned it through the […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: These Things We Believe

What About Those Who Never Hear The Gospel?
by Ray Pritchard

Ask yourself, Is this really true? Then pray this prayer: “Lord, if it’s true, what should I do?”

Text: Romans 1:18-20
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

To Rome With Love
by Ray Pritchard

The year was 1911, and a young man from Sydney, Australia, arrived in the United States. He had crossed the […]

Text: Romans 1:1-7
Sermon Series: God's Good News (Romans 1-4)

The Cradle And The Cross: Simeon’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

It’s a good question, isn’t it? If Jesus were born today, would it be any different than it was 2,000 […]

Text: Luke 2:25-35
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Jesus The Revolutionary: Mary’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

When the history of the 20th century is finally written, it may well be that the last forty years will […]

Text: Luke 1:48-55
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Behind The Scenes At Christmastime: Zechariah’s Song
by Ray Pritchard

This year the title of our Christmas series is “The Songs of Christmas.” The theme is appropriate because it is […]

Text: Luke 1:67-80
Sermon Series: The Songs of Christmas

Are You Living By Creative Risk?
by Ray Pritchard

It was Helen Keller who said, “Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all.” Those words […]

Text: Matthew 4:22-32
Sermon Series: Wholly Living

Zaccheus Anonymous
by Ray Pritchard

This is an appropriate text for the first Sunday after April 15. I hope you got your taxes done on […]

Text: Luke 19:1-10
Sermon Series: Close Encounters with Jesus

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe
by Ray Pritchard

There are certain problems a pastor faces whenever he talks about the subject of giving. Chief among those problems is […]

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Christian Giving

The Shepherd’s Gift
by Ray Pritchard

About the time I graduated from seminary in 1978, a leading Christian magazine published an article entitled, “Things They Didn’t […]

Text: Ephesians 4:11
Sermon Series: Spiritual Gifts

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