Stephen Baldwin Comes to Tupelo

March 11, 2009

Kevin McCullough, Ray Pritchard and Stephen Baldwin at Connie’s this morning.

This morning I spent two hours with actor Stephen Baldwin when he came through Tupelo with my longtime friend (and KBM Board of Reference member) Kevin McCullough. Several months ago Stephen and Kevin teamed up to launch a very popular weekly program called BMX Extreme Radio. They are already on 160 stations across the country. They came to Tupelo to talk with American Family Radio about some exciting new ventures that will lift the program to a new level.

Since Kevin follows my Facebook page, he had seen the picture of the chicken biscuits with gravy plus the blueberry donuts at Connie’s Chicken in Tupelo. Last week when he wrote to tell me that he and Stephen were coming to Tupelo, Kevin asked if we could go to Connie’s for breakfast. It didn’t take any arm twisting to get me to say yes. So I picked them up at the hotel and as we drove to Connie’s, we talked about what else? Elvis! We passed the Tupelo Hardware Store where Elvis bought his guitar. Stephen and Kevin traded trivia, including the fact that George Beverly Shea sold more records than Elvis, a fact I found hard to believe but Kevin assured us it was true.

Once arriving at Connie’s, we placed our orders. Let the record show that Stephen loved Connie’s so much he ate more than Kevin and me put together. Stephen had a sausage biscuit with gravy, a chicken biscuit with gravy, two eggs, two blueberry donuts, and in a surprising move, a small cup of cole slaw, washing it down with sweet tea. We made a short video in which I extoled the nutritional value of breakfast at Connie’s.

It didn’t take long for the workers at the restaurant to recognize Stephen. One waitress timidly came up and said, “Who are you?” Stephen paused and said, “Brad Pitt.” “You look like one of the Baldwin brothers.” “I’m Stephen Baldwin.” Soon a crowd had gathered at the table. A few minutes later a reporter and photographer from the Tupelo Daily Journal, saying they had heard Stephen was in town, and could they have an interview? So Stephen and Kevin talked to the reporter for 10-15 minutes. 

Meanwhile we talked a lot about what God is saying to America through the current crisis. I am happy to report that Stephen is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. He is forceful, direct, bold and gregarious in expressing his convictions. He’s the real deal-–a regular guy, a gifted actor, a family man, and a believer who loves the Lord and isn’t ashamed to talk about his faith.

Just before leaving, we had this picture taken. Stephen wanted us to stand at the counter so people could see the menu on the wall behind us. I think Connie’s has a new fan in Stephen Baldwin.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?