Should We Be Worried?

March 11, 2009

Yesterday at the beginning of our broadcast on American Family Radio, Tim Wildmon turned to me and said, “What’s on your heart, Ray?” I told them that everywhere I travel, people express their concern about the direction of our country. That includes, but is not limited to, the current economic crisis. In many cases these uncertain times are making people think about Bible prophecy. That’s why we started a new podcast series called “The Last Days According Jesus” from Matthew 24-25. That’s a series I gave in Oak Park a few weeks after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The first two installments are “Countdown to Armageddon: Six Signs of the Second Coming” and “Showdown in Jerusalem: The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist.” You can hear those message in our Audio section or on the Keep Believing iTunes page.

How should Christians respond to the prevailing sense of uncertainty? Should we be stocking up food in case hard times come? What witness should we give to the world? That led to a lengthy discussion about how to deal with worry in the face of job loss, the collapse of the stock market, and whether or not this is God’s judgment on America.

How should Christians respond to the prevailing sense of uncertainty? Should we be stocking up food in case hard times come? What witness should we give to the world? That led to a lengthy discussion about how to deal with worry in the face of job loss, the collapse of the stock market, and whether or not this is God’s judgment on America.

In the last half-hour we took some fascinating calls from listeners, including one from a man in Michigan who said his church is teaching people how to plant gardens and even how to gut chickens. 

We roamed hither and yon during the broadcast and talked a lot about what it means to trust in the Lord in times like these. We have just posted the podcast under the title Should We Be Worried?  Give it a listen and let us know what you think.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?