
“We Did Not Give in to Them:” Why Unity Must be Based on Truth
by Ray Pritchard

I want to begin by calling your attention to the most important verse in our passage—verse 5, which reads, “We […]

Text: Galatians 2:1-10
Sermon Series: Galatians: Truth on Fire

How a Terrorist Became an Evangelist: The Amazing Story of Paul’s Conversion
by Ray Pritchard

Christianity is supremely a religion of conversion. Everything we say and everything we believe is built upon one fundamental and […]

Text: Galatians 1:11-24
Sermon Series: Galatians: Truth on Fire

Only One Gospel: Why We Preach an Unpopular Doctrine
by Ray Pritchard

Never be ashamed of the gospel! It’s the good news the world needs to hear.

Text: Galatians 1:1-10
Sermon Series: Galatians: Truth on Fire