
The Whole Bible in 15 Minutes
by Ray Pritchard

What follows is an attempt to summarize the Bible’s essential message using only Scripture, starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation.


Let’s Read the Bible! December 31 (Revelation 21-22)
by Ray Pritchard

You can watch the livestream at 7 AM CT!


Jesus and the Dragon
by Ray Pritchard

Evil will not win. The Babe of Bethlehem will make sure of that.

Text: Revelation 12:1-5
Sermon Series: Christmas Messages

Inside the Pearly Gates: What Will We Do in Heaven?
by Ray Pritchard

No one will ever be sorry they ended up in heaven.

Text: Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon Series: Final Questions: A Biblical View of Life After Death

The Path to 666: 5 Signs of the Mark of the Beast
by Ray Pritchard

What does the Bible say about the Antichrist? Here is the answer in just two sentences:

There is an Antichrist.
He’s going down!

Text: Revelation 13
Sermon Series: Book of Revelation Online Course