
Let’s Read the Bible! April 11 (Psalm 34-36)
by Ray Pritchard

Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]


The Power of Earnest Prayer
by Brian Bill

God often does the unexpected when we’re earnest in prayer.

Text: Acts 12:1-19
Sermon Series: On Mission

Expect Opposiiton
by Brian Bill

Don’t be surprised when people push back.

Text: Acts 6:8-15
Sermon Series: On Mission

Watching Our Words
by Brian Bill

What comes out of our mouths can either energize someone or wipe them out. As we utilize words of life, we’ll build one another up instead of tearing each other down.

Text: Proverbs 6:1-5; 10:19-20; 12:6; 16:21, 24; 17:28; 18:21
Sermon Series: Wise Words to Live By

The Door
by Brian Bill

In this metaphor, Jesus clearly states that He is the only way to have salvation and security. We must pass through Him in order to be saved and it is only through Him that we can have our daily needs met.

Text: John 10:1-10
Sermon Series: Metaphors of the Messiah

Counter-Cultural Christianity: Suicide
by Brian Bill

We’re completing our four-part series called “Counter-Cultural Christianity” as we focus on suicide.  Frankly, the topics we’ve already covered – […]

Sermon Series: Counter Cultural Christianity

Postcards From the Edge: Why I Believe in Angels and Demons
by Ray Pritchard

Our only reliable source of information regarding the spirit world is the Bible. Outside of the Bible, we have no sure knowledge of angels or demons. That must be the touchstone of truth for the Christian. But that fact shouldn’t discourage you since the Bible has a great deal to say about angels and demons. In fact they are mentioned in 34 different books of the Bible in over 300 different places.

Text: Various
Sermon Series: Why I Believe