
Making Your Money Last
by Brian Bill

I came across this vintage letter to Ann Landers: “Aunt Emma was married to a tightwad who was also a […]

Text: Matthew 6:19-24
Sermon Series: Finding Hope in Hard Times

Helping Those in Need
by Brian Bill

I know my mom loved me when I was unlovable – actually I think I’m still unlovable.  I want to […]

Text: Matthew 6:1-4
Sermon Series: Finding Hope in Hard Times

Overcoming Anxiety
by Brian Bill

We have a lot to worry about, don’t we?  I’ve been worried this week about our niece and my mom […]

Text: Matthew 6:25-34
Sermon Series: Finding Hope in Hard Times

Learning How to Pray
by Brian Bill

Is there just one way to pray?  What kind of prayer are you most comfortable with?  During hard times, people […]

Sermon Series: Finding Hope in Hard Times

Sleeping Together and Christ’s Global Cause
by Ray Pritchard

Why shouldn’t two adult Christians who happen to be divorced and have fallen in love—why shouldn’t they sleep together? That’s the question a man asked in an email. Here is my answer.

Sermon Series: Crucial Questions

Serving One Master
by Brian Bill

We’re made to worship but the truth of the matter is that if we don’t worship God with everything we have, we’ll worship other things. We must determine where we’re storing our treasures and who we’re treasuring the most.

Text: Matthew 6:19-24
Sermon Series: Growing in Grace

The Hardest Prayer You Will Ever Pray
by Ray Pritchard

Some prayers are harder to pray than others. I learned that thirty-three years ago when my father died. One October […]

Text: Matthew 6:10
Sermon Series: Knowing God's Will

Praying Like Jesus
by Brian Bill

In the September 5th issue of Newsweek, several studies were cited to show that America is a spiritual nation.  One […]

Text: Matthew 6:5-13
Sermon Series: Basic Training

The Treasure Principle
by Ray Pritchard

This is the second sermon in a two-part miniseries on God and our money. We’re doing this because we’re praying […]

Text: Matthew 6:19-34
Sermon Series: The Treasure Principle

Forgiveness and the Lord’s Prayer
by Ray Pritchard

“Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:12 KJV). The fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer seems […]

Text: Matthew 6:12
Sermon Series: Total Forgiveness