
Let’s Read the Bible! April 18 (Luke 10-12)
by Ray Pritchard

Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]


Compassion: More Than a Bleeding Heart
by Ray Pritchard

The real question is not, "Who is my neighbor?” but rather "Whose neighbor will I be to those I meet today?”

Text: Luke 10:25-37

The Harried Homemaker: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Compulsive Busyness
by Ray Pritchard

Work is not an end in itself – not even work for the Lord.

Text: Luke 10:38-42
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems

The Lawyer Who Wanted a Loophole: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Religious Hypocrisy
by Ray Pritchard

Remember that when everyone else passed by, Jesus stopped to save you.

Text: Luke 10:25-37
Sermon Series: Conversations with Jesus: Christ Speaks to Modern Problems