
The Promise of Peace
by Brian Bill

The peace that comes from God is perfect.

Text: Isaiah 26:3
Sermon Series: A Summer of Promise

The Conquering Christ
by Ray Pritchard

The devil could not stop him, the cross could not defeat him, the grave could not hold him.

Text: Isaiah 53:10-12
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53

The Silent Savior
by Ray Pritchard

You find out what you really believe when others mistreat you.

Text: Isaiah 53:7-9
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53

The Suffering Substitute
by Ray Pritchard

If you want to be saved, remember these four words: Run to the cross!

Text: Isaiah 53:4-6
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53

The Misunderstood Messiah
by Ray Pritchard

You can be wrong about many things and still go to heaven.
But you can’t be wrong about Jesus and go to heaven.

Text: Isaiah 53:1-3
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53

The Shocking Servant
by Ray Pritchard

Jesus’ shocking death has sprinkled the nations with blood that will wash away every sin.

Text: Isaiah 52:13-15
Sermon Series: Isaiah 53

The Promise of Peace
by Brian Bill

The peace that comes from God is perfect.

Text: Isaiah 26:3
Sermon Series: A Summer of Promise

Breaking Our Addictions
by Brian Bill

In what is considered the “gospel message” of the Old Testament, this chapter is filled with prophecies about Jesus being the ultimate burden bearer and bondage breaker.

Text: Isaiah 53
Sermon Series: Profiting From the Prophets

Born of a Virgin
by Ray Pritchard

Christmas is an amazing time of year. Yesterday I ran across a statement that sums it up: “Isn’t it amazing […]

Text: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Breaking Points
by Ray Pritchard

Everyone has a story to tell, even the people who seem to smile all the time. This is one of […]

Text: Isaiah 40:28-31
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages