
Let’s Read the Bible! January 1 (Genesis 1-3)
by Ray Pritchard

Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]


High Noon at the Burning Bush
by Ray Pritchard

If you are willing to burn for God, he can use you!

Text: Exodus 3:1-10
Sermon Series: Moses: The Making of a Champion

Seed of the Woman
by Ray Pritchard

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your […]

Text: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Snake Eyes
by Ray Pritchard

Reading Genesis 3 is like reading the devil’s playbook because his tactics haven’t changed.

Text: Genesis 3:1-7
Sermon Series: Asymmetric Spiritual Warfare

Farewell to Paradise: Cast Out That We Might Someday Return
by Ray Pritchard

Adam could not go back and undo the original sin. And he could not stay forever in paradise. The deed was done and the wreckage was all around him. The only option left for him was to go forward. All of us have to come to grips with that sooner or later. The good news is that through Christ, The Tree of Life is waiting, the door has been opened, the Son of God has shed his blood, the price has been paid, the sacrifice made, atonement has been accomplished.

Text: Genesis 3:20-24
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

The Wages of Sin: Why Nothing Works Right
by Ray Pritchard

Three hundred seventy-nine days ago, Martin and Gracia Burnham were captured by Muslim terrorists in the Southern Philippines. They were […]

Text: Genesis 3:7-19
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

Snake Eyes: The Four Stages of Temptation
by Ray Pritchard

Reading Genesis 3 is like reading the devil’s playbook because his tactics haven’t changed.

Text: Genesis 3:1-7
Sermon Series: First Things: The Amazing True Story of How the World Came to Be (Genesis 1-11)

Christ B.C. Part I: Seed of the Woman
by Ray Pritchard

This is the first promise given after the Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It is also the first gospel sermon ever preached on the face of the earth. Theologians call it the protoevangelium–or first gospel. These words spoken by God contain the first promise of redemption in the Bible. Everything else in the Bible flows from these words in Genesis 3:15. As the acorn contains the mighty oak, so these words contain the entire plan of salvation.

Text: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Series: Christ BC

Men and Women in Biblical Perspective
by Ray Pritchard

I find myself in a peculiar position this morning. No matter what I say, or how carefully I say it, […]

Text: Genesis 1-3
Sermon Series: Critical Issues