
The Power of an Obeying Man: Barnabas
by Brian Bill

Squirrels had overrun three churches in town.  After much prayer, the leaders of the first church determined that the squirrels […]

Text: Acts 9:26-30
Sermon Series: Models of Mentoring

I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All People
by Ray Pritchard

When God pours out his Spirit on his people, they are never the same again.

Text: Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:14-21
Sermon Series: Experiencing God Today: Six Sermons on the Holy Spirit

Fear Factor
by Ray Pritchard

For the past few months I’ve been preaching a series of sermons from I Peter. We’re taking a break from […]

Text: Acts 20:35
Sermon Series: The Treasure Principle

A Tale of Two Men
by Ray Pritchard

How do you know which religion has the truth? Find the one whose founder rose from the dead.

Text: Acts 2:24-32
Sermon Series: Easter Sermons

Great Joy in the City
by Ray Pritchard

Throughout history, God has grown and moved his church as his people scattered to diverse locations geographically. This pattern has not changed and believers are still called to grow and expand as a church today, whether we move across national boundaries, ethnic and cultural boundaries, or do church planting in our immediate communities. Beginning with the first generation of believers in the book of Acts, we hear of Phillip, who was emboldened and changed by the power of God as he moved out in obedience to spread the Gospel. Despite severe persecution, great joy descended on those who received the truth that came with power. In this present age, we have the account of the phenomenal growth of the church in China. In 1949 all Christian missionaries were evicted leaving less than one million indigenous believers behind. They faced relentless bloodbaths and eradication. Yet the church grew in the midst of that persecution when determined believers scattered and went underground. The challenge to believers today remains the same—to be willing to be moved out of our personal comfort zones, to walk in faith, to make personal sacrifices, and most importantly, to trust God for our personal well-being and needs.

Text: Acts 8:4-8
Sermon Series: The Church in Many Places

The Church in Many Places
by Ray Pritchard

God uses catastrophe and disasters to scatter the church so that His word can be spread to all parts of the world. We can become comfortable and content in our lives, but God in His sovergn nature does things we are not used to.

Text: Acts 8:1-4
Sermon Series: The Church in Many Places

Redirecting a Rebel
by Brian Bill

Today we’re wrapping up our series called, “Beyond the Tomb,” during which we’ve studied the various appearances Jesus made between […]

Text: Acts 9:1-31
Sermon Series: Beyond the Tomb

Personalizing God’s Purposes
by Brian Bill

The gospel message must be appropriated in order for it to take hold in a person’s life. It’s not enough to just hear with the ears; it must be acted on by the will. Just as a businesswoman and a jailer responded to Christ, so too, you must believe and receive in order to be saved.

Sermon Series: Faith Factor

Praying God’s Purposes
by Brian Bill

God’s purposes in our life, and in the church, will only be accomplished as we pray. When we intercede individually and in unity with others, the Holy Spirit will shake us up and we will speak the word of God with boldness.

Text: Acts 4:23-31
Sermon Series: Faith Factor

Pursuing God’s Purposes
by Brian Bill

The early church was not made up of casual Christians, but rather was composed of people who were sold out to Christ. These impact players were steadfastly devoted followers who put their faith into action through instruction, ministry, prayer, adoration, caring, and telling others the gospel.

Text: Acts 2:42-47
Sermon Series: Faith Factor
1 8 9 10 11 12 15